
Education & Trainings

  • Presentations
    • Conferences
    • Meetings
  • Trainings
    • Large Group (5+)
      • Lecture only
      • Lecture and interactive workshop
    • Small group (1-5)
      • Interactive workshop
      • Mentoring
  • E-Learning

Proposal Consultation

  • Software estimate and bidding
  • Technical volume development 

Software System Design & Development

  • Systems architecture
  • Software design
  • Software development


Knize Consulting LLC has created online training modules, which you can do from the comfort of your home and at your own pace. 

Please see the class titles below:


  • OpenSearch: An Introduction
  • OpenSearch: The Life Cycle of a Document 
  • OpenSearch: Indexing & Search with Field Mappers & Queries
  • OpenSearch: Analytics Using the Aggregation Framework 

Apache Lucene

  • Lucene: An Introduction
  • Lucene: Demystifying Documents, Fields, and Segments 
  • Lucene: Geospatial Indexing, Search, and Analytics

20+ Years Experience

5 Star Rating

At your own Time

Dedicated Support